Alaska Hunting Blog

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Draw results

Draw results

The results for the 2011 Alaska hunt draw will be posted soon.

Contact us if you were successful on the draw to schedule your hunt.

We look forward to a great moose season once again!

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12335 Hits

Pillar Lake on Afognak Island

Has anyone hunted the Pillar Lake area and how was it for deer and bear? Im am looking at that area for a hunt around the 1st of November.

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10004 Hits

New draw date

Fish And Game tells us the draw results will be out on the 9th of April.

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9174 Hits

Draw notice 31st

The word from fish and game is that the draw results will be out the 31st, we will have to see if this is the case . I will keep a eye out this week to see when they post the results for the moose ,sheep and grizzly bear draw.

I  still have a few prime spots available for  salmon and halibut fishing in Ketchikan.

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8647 Hits

Ketchikan salmon fishing

Ketchikan salmon fishing

I have 1 spot open for  Ketchikan salmon and halibut fishing.  The dates are, arrive August 8th- dept 13th. This is prime time for Coho and Halibut fishing. Price is $3000

 Do not miss out salmon fishing in Ketchikan, Ketchikan is the salmon capital of the world!!!

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10027 Hits

Limited spots

Our unguided caribou hunt is filling up fast. We still have some space available early September and late Sept.If you are wanting to do this hunt don’t wait.

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9223 Hits

Fred Hall Show

We will be attending the Fred hall show March 3rd-7th,If you are in the area and are thinking about an Alaska fishing trip or a hunt for  Alaska Brown bear,moose, or caribou please stop by. We will be happy to meet you after the show also if need be.

Our salmon and halibut fishing is among the best in Alaska. The average halibut aboard the “Bwana” was 60 pounds last year. Big catches of salmon each day are to be expected by our clients.

We also have a few  2010 spots for our unguided caribou hunt.

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9135 Hits

New Halibut Regulations

New Halibut Regulations

New halibut fishing Regulations will go into affect starting 2011, NPHC has implemented a moratorium on the  Alaska charter boat fleet. If Boat owners did not fish for halibut and log catches in the years of 2004,2005 they will not be able to get a permit to do halibut charters starting the year 2011. This new law will not affect Brad Saalsaa owner of AWC&G due to over 20years of  Ketchikan charter fishing experience. many lodges and charter operators will need to buy a  over priced permit or get out of the business. This is something to consider when booking a Alaska fishing trip, You must ask if the lodge boats or day charters will be allowed to fish for halibut. Its more reason to choose your Alaska fishing trip with AWC.

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9749 Hits

Brown bear spots

Brown bear spots

If you are looking for a great brown bear hunt. I still have two spots  for this spring in my Cold Bay area. This area hands down, is the best  bear hunting Alaska has to offer!! High success and  big bears.

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10015 Hits

See us in Reno ..SCI SHOW

If you are attending the SCI show in Reno please stop by This is a great opportunity for me to chat with past clients, I will be attending the show Jan 20-23.

 I will be in Booth 5116

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6654 Hits